What is Bowling Planet?
Bowling-Planet.com website provides complete event management, scorekeeping, statistics, live game updates of bowling players and teams. Create a new bowling event for FREE and we will display the entered games, standings and leaders for every game in your league or tournament. Each player’s profile page contains a game log with statistics and detailed player information including his or her contacts.
We are offering the BEST and most comprehensive bowling statistics tracker site. This site allows players, coaches, statisticians, parents, and even fans to keep track of players and team statistics for their favorite players. Bowling-Planet.com allows users to keep track of complex bowling statistics with ease, providing immediate feedback on the performance of a player and his or her opponents–all of which can be always available online.
Developmental statistics provide controllable goals for every player.
Players and their coaches should focus on statistics that measure effort, personal improvement and team impact. We provide developmental metrics like player’s trend, pattern stats, bowling center statistics,… During each game, players, coaches, scorekeepers or teams can use live results to keep up to date.
Follow along from anywhere.
As the action unfolds, all scores and statistics is instantly achievable online, so it can be followed on web browsers, smart phones or tablets.
Engage family and fans with updates on social media sites.
If your league or tournament has scoring on Bolwing-Planet.com, all information can be instantly delivered to your favorite social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn,… Using integrated share buttons your updates will reach wide range of fans around the world.
We’re here to help.
We’ll help you manage your bowling league or tournament! Our customer support team offers individual responses to your emails with FAQs that are expanding day by day.